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229 items found

  • Behind The Scenes | Bonfire Labs

    SNEAK PEEK BEHIND THE SCENES From home "offices" to socially distant film sets, and all around the world, here's an insider look into life at Bonfire Labs.

  • Fitbit Versa Family | Bonfire Labs

    FITBIT VERSA FAMILY FUN FOR EVERYONE A younger audience and more vibrant product selection gave us ample inspiration to push the animation and color into new spaces. This launch video quickly graduated from the web to nationally run broadcast.

  • Square Terminal API | Bonfire Labs

    SQUARE TERMINAL API LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION? This commercial follows a spiritually bereft, artistically inept director as he goes about foisting his inert “vision” on the patient souls at Square, when all they want is a sharp piece of educational film about their new software platform. We’ve never met, much less worked with, any directors like this. It is a character made up out of thin air, with no relation to anyone on staff. Let’s be clear: any similarities between this director and Ty Bardi are purely coincidental.

  • Apollo Suze Orman | Bonfire Labs

    APOLLO SUZE ORMAN MONEY MATTERS “Are you ready? Are you ready for the most transformative online class you’ve ever taken?”

  • Rakuten | Cash Back for Change

    RAKUTEN CASH BACK FOR CHANGE DROPPING PENNIES & DIMES When Rakuten's abnormally attractive creative and production team called with an opportunity to partner with Steph(en) Curry, we picked up the phone. Based on a true story of a penny jar from Curry's college days, we launched the Cash Back For Change program. Rakuten users can donate spare change from their purchases, which add up over time to significant donations to a select group of non-profits. Shot around Oakland, this film didn't help our 3 point shooting percentage, but it did help the world.

  • Okta Workforce Identity | Bonfire Labs

    OKTA WORKFORCE IDENTITY CAN WE SEE SOME ID? When the access management experts at Okta wanted to promote their Workforce Identity platform, they ID’d us as the team to do it. So we did what any good partners would do: build a logistics business from the ground up. We created the brand, found an office, hired a C-Suite, and crafted a film that shows the best way to secure an organization is by knowing exactly who’s who. Phew.

  • Facebook Group Admin | Bonfire Labs

    FACEBOOK GROUP ADMIN HOW TO BE THE BEST HOST For this online learning portal that taught folks how to safely run, monitor, and grow Facebook Groups. We handled the site design, video, photography, and audio content. Also we did some late-night research into portals. Pretty far out stuff.

  • HPE Ezmeral | Bonfire Labs

    HPE EZMERAL CHECK OUT THAT ROCK HPE was launching a new software portfolio that would help their enterprise customers transform their digital platforms from the edge to the cloud. What does that mean? We weren’t sure either, but we did know that Ezmeral is Emerald in Spanglish. So using photoreal CG we brought viewers deep inside the beauty of an emerald, showing them how Ezmeral transforms your business from an uncut gem to a beautiful polished stone. Bling Bling.

  • Vertex Brand Anthem | Bonfire Labs

    VERTEX BRAND ANTHEM TAX TECHNOLOGY AT THE SPEED OF BUSINESS Quick, what taxes will you have to pay when you hire Bonfire Labs? Don't know? Vertex does. Using custom illustrations and frame-by-frame animation, we found a colorful and playful way to highlight Vertex at the intersection of commerce and compliance... mostly because the content for every other tax compliance software is about as interesting as it sounds.

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